Validate Stage

The following self-assessment is for entrepreneurs leading social enterprises at the validate stage. This means that you and your team are focused on validating the commercial viability and scalability of the business model described in the blueprint. This involves running market trials in which business plan assumptions are tested. This is an iterative process which results in the refinement of the product or services, as well as the business model.


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Contact your NESsT Portfolio Director or Manager to get your Contact ID.

Please select a maximum of two social impact objectives.

Thanks so much for you help in improving our program for thousands of other entrepreneurs around the world!

Business Strategy and Priorities

Now let's talk about how you set your business strategy and priorities.

1.) The top priorities for my enterprise in the next 6-12 months are:
2.) The top priorities for my enterprise in the next 3 years are:

The following questions allow you to reflect on your product and business model.

Check all that apply.

Check all that apply.

The following questions give you an opportunity to reflect on how you will monitor the development and growth of the business.

Check all that apply.

Check all that apply.

Check the top two strategies.

Check the top two strategies.

Check the top two strategies.

Let's also discuss how you are measuring the impact of your organization.

Check all that apply.

Check all that apply.

Check all that apply.

Day-to-Day Activities

Now let's review how you're currently spending your time on a day-to-day basis.

18.) On average, the percentage of time I spend on the following activities is (must add up to 100%):

19.) On average, the percentage of time I would like to spend on the following activities is (must add up to 100%):

Let's discuss what factors you use and who you engage when making key decisions for the enterprise.

Select the top two factors you use to make decisions.

Select the top two factors you use to make decisions.

Check all that apply.

Team Assessment

The following section provides you with an opportunity to assess your team and your team leadership style.

Check all that apply. If you don't feel that your team is capable of taking on any of these responsibilities, please do not check any boxes.

Partners, Advisors, Donors and Investors

The following section helps you to reflect on the strategic partnerships you're cultivating to support your enterprise.

Check all that apply.

Check all that apply.